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Home » Canadians Want Tim Hortons To Bring Back Lost Menu Items

Canadians Want Tim Hortons To Bring Back Lost Menu Items

In a recent tweet by Tim Hortons, the iconic Canadian coffee and doughnut chain posed a question to its loyal customers: “As the Walnut Crunchback Tour rolls towards its curtain call, it got us thinking: what other donut(s) would you like to see make a comeback?” The response was overwhelming, with over 900 replies pouring in from nostalgic Canadians pleading for the return of their favorite discontinued menu items. This groundswell of support is a testament to the deep connection between Tim Hortons and its customers and highlights the enduring love for the brand’s classic offerings.

Tim Hortons holds a special place in the hearts of many Canadians. It has become more than just a fast-food chain; it is an integral part of the cultural fabric of the nation. The brand’s menu items evoke feelings of nostalgia, reminding customers of childhood memories and the simple pleasures of life. Discontinued treats like the Blueberry Fritter, Dutchie, Chocolate Eclair, and Cinnamon Twist hold a sentimental value for Canadians who have grown up enjoying these delectable delights.

Bring Back Discontinued Menu Items Twitter Reaction

Tim Hortons Bring Back Lost Menu Items

The power of social media in shaping consumer sentiment and influencing business decisions cannot be understated. Tim Hortons’ tweet about bringing back lost menu items struck a chord with its loyal customer base. The tweet garnered an unprecedented response, igniting a passionate conversation across platforms. Canadians flooded the comment section, expressing their desire to see the return of their beloved treats. The overwhelming support sent a clear message to Tim Hortons that its customers want to relive the memories associated with these menu items.

Many Canadians are begging Tim Hortons to bring back discontinued menu items. In a recent tweet, Tim Hortons asked their followers what discontinued menu items they miss the most. The response was overwhelming, with many people listing their favorite discontinued items. Some of the most popular items mentioned include:

  • The maple pecan danish
  • The cherry timbits
  • The strawberry banana smoothie
  • The frozen raspberry lemonade
  • The bread bowl
  • The blueberry fritter
  • The pretzel bagel
  • The extreme Italian sandwich
  • The ham and Swiss sandwich
  • The coffee cake

Tim Hortons has not yet announced whether or not they will bring back any of these discontinued items. However, the response from their followers has been very positive, so it is possible that we may see some of these items return to the menu in the future.

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